Labels:earth | fence | grass | person | reckoner | sky | tree OCR: abedetg kijllmnoperstwwxyz ABCDEF GHHK IMNOPORSTUWXYZ 0123456789 ~1@#$^2*() +=><.[][]^/? Theese brova fes rgelezy deg Thegickkrcwnfjumpscer thelazydog. Theg uick bhrownfan ? jum ps over thelazy dog. The guick brown fox jumps over thelazy dy. The quick krown fox ium ps over thelazy day. The quic brow fox um ps over thelazy The quie ick brow fox um ps over thelazy akedetg kijM maopgrstww GHHIK Thegnick krewn jumpscv Theauick hrow